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Part Finder - KTM - 2024 - RC 8C - CRANKSHAFT, PISTON


Please note: that parts quantities shown on parts diagrams are the quantity of that part that exists on the bike, Not the quantity that we have in stock. Please click on the parts individually to check stock availability, thank you.
Please note: that pricing shown is individual/single per item pricing only unless otherwise indicated in part description.
Ref Part Number Description Part/Desc
11635 30 082 0001Main Bearing blue635 30 082 0001Main Bearing blue
11635 30 082 0002Main Bearing red635 30 082 0002Main Bearing red
Ref Part Number Description Part/Desc
12635 30 182 0001Main Bearing blue635 30 182 0001Main Bearing blue
12635 30 182 0002Main Bearing red635 30 182 0002Main Bearing red
Ref Part Number Description Part/Desc
5635 30 014 0001Bearing Shell, blue635 30 014 0001Bearing Shell, blue
5635 30 014 0002Bearing Shell, red635 30 014 0002Bearing Shell, red
Ref Part Number Description Part, Description # On Img # Cart $ Each Notes
1 A61 83 000 7000 piston cpl A61 83 000 7000piston cpl2 on diagram x2 1737.80
3 A61 83 007 4000 Lock ring A61 83 007 4000Lock ring4 on diagram x4 23.35
4 A61 83 001 5000 Connecting rod A61 83 001 5000Connecting rod2 on diagram x2 2124.00
5 635 30 014 0001 Bearing Shell, blue 635 30 014 0001Bearing Shell, blue0 on diagram x0 43.30
5 635 30 014 0002 Bearing Shell, red 635 30 014 0002Bearing Shell, red0 on diagram x0 43.30
6 A61 83 001 3000 Connecting rod screw A61 83 001 3000Connecting rod screw4 on diagram x4 39.90
9 A61 83 001 8000 Crankshaft complete A61 83 001 8000Crankshaft complete1 on diagram x1 2239.80
10 088 80 40050 woodruff key DIN 6888 4x5x13 088 80 40050woodruff key DIN 6888 4x5x131 on diagram x1 3.40
11 635 30 082 0001 Main Bearing blue 635 30 082 0001Main Bearing blue0 on diagram x0 50.50
11 635 30 082 0002 Main Bearing red 635 30 082 0002Main Bearing red0 on diagram x0 50.50
12 635 30 182 0001 Main Bearing blue 635 30 182 0001Main Bearing blue0 on diagram x0 50.50
12 635 30 182 0002 Main Bearing red 635 30 182 0002Main Bearing red0 on diagram x0 50.50
15 087 52 050 186 slotted spring pin ISO 8752 5x18 St 087 52 050 186slotted spring pin ISO 8752 5x18 St1 on diagram x1 3.40
16 635 30 067 000 primary gear 635 30 067 000primary gear1 on diagram x1 269.75

A61 83 000 7000 - piston cpl

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    A61 83 000 7000
  • Description

    piston cpl
  • Price

  • Qty On Diagram

  • Stock in Store

    No Stock
  • Qty In Cart

  • basket not updated, press update to apply change

A61 83 007 4000 - Lock ring

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    A61 83 007 4000
  • Description

    Lock ring
  • Price

  • Qty On Diagram

  • Stock in Store

    No Stock
  • Qty In Cart

  • basket not updated, press update to apply change

A61 83 001 5000 - Connecting rod

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    A61 83 001 5000
  • Description

    Connecting rod
  • Price

  • Qty On Diagram

  • Stock in Store

    No Stock
  • Qty In Cart

  • basket not updated, press update to apply change

635 30 014 0001 - Bearing Shell, blue

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    635 30 014 0001
  • Description

    Bearing Shell, blue
  • Price

  • Qty On Diagram

  • Stock in Store

    No Stock
  • Qty In Cart

  • basket not updated, press update to apply change

635 30 014 0002 - Bearing Shell, red

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    635 30 014 0002
  • Description

    Bearing Shell, red
  • Price

  • Qty On Diagram

  • Stock in Store

  • Qty In Cart

  • basket not updated, press update to apply change

A61 83 001 3000 - Connecting rod screw

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    A61 83 001 3000
  • Description

    Connecting rod screw
  • Price

  • Qty On Diagram

  • Stock in Store

    No Stock
  • Qty In Cart

  • basket not updated, press update to apply change

A61 83 001 8000 - Crankshaft complete

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    A61 83 001 8000
  • Description

    Crankshaft complete
  • Price

  • Qty On Diagram

  • Stock in Store

    No Stock
  • Qty In Cart

  • basket not updated, press update to apply change

088 80 40050 - woodruff key DIN 6888 4x5x13

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    088 80 40050
  • Description

    woodruff key DIN 6888 4x5x13
  • Price

  • Qty On Diagram

  • Stock in Store

  • Qty In Cart

  • basket not updated, press update to apply change

635 30 082 0001 - Main Bearing blue

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    635 30 082 0001
  • Description

    Main Bearing blue
  • Price

  • Qty On Diagram

  • Stock in Store

    No Stock
  • Qty In Cart

  • basket not updated, press update to apply change

635 30 082 0002 - Main Bearing red

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    635 30 082 0002
  • Description

    Main Bearing red
  • Price

  • Qty On Diagram

  • Stock in Store

    No Stock
  • Qty In Cart

  • basket not updated, press update to apply change

635 30 182 0001 - Main Bearing blue

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    635 30 182 0001
  • Description

    Main Bearing blue
  • Price

  • Qty On Diagram

  • Stock in Store

    No Stock
  • Qty In Cart

  • basket not updated, press update to apply change

635 30 182 0002 - Main Bearing red

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    635 30 182 0002
  • Description

    Main Bearing red
  • Price

  • Qty On Diagram

  • Stock in Store

    No Stock
  • Qty In Cart

  • basket not updated, press update to apply change

087 52 050 186 - slotted spring pin ISO 8752 5x18 St

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    087 52 050 186
  • Description

    slotted spring pin ISO 8752 5x18 St
  • Price

  • Qty On Diagram

  • Stock in Store

    No Stock
  • Qty In Cart

  • basket not updated, press update to apply change

635 30 067 000 - primary gear

  • Reference

  • Part Number

    635 30 067 000
  • Description

    primary gear
  • Price

  • Qty On Diagram

  • Stock in Store

    No Stock
  • Qty In Cart

  • basket not updated, press update to apply change